JavaScript is one of those programming languages that is easy to learn without experience. It is used for web development, you can create server applications, 3D-games and even program robotics.

To understand how JavaScript works, the easiest place to start is with web development. Here it’s worth mastering the library JQuery. It has the same logic as in pure JavaScript, but it allows you to write code in brief due to the more concise syntax. JQuery has long been the most popular JavaScript library for websites. In the 2010s new frameworks appeared – Angular, React, and Vue.js, and JQuery’s popularity began to decline.

But it should not be neglected at least because it is written on a huge number of websites, which need to maintain and develop. Often the job of the novice programmer is to maintain the code, which he inherited from his predecessors.

There are a lot of materials on the web: from official documentation to the most detailed reference and training resources and free video-lessons.

Learn to look for plugins and work with them. You need them to make it easy to work with popular UI elements. They are written in pure JavaScript, the practice of connecting and configuring them does not require deep knowledge, but it is good to train the knowledge of the language. These can be plugins for creating modal windows (Tingle), galleries (lightgallery.js), embedded objects (SuperEmbed.js) and many other web page elements.

Figure out Node.js
Next, you need to figure out what’s going on on the server: what databases are and how they interact with the client side of the web application.

To do this, you can study Node.js. This is a server-side platform which runs JavaScript. With its help it is possible to fully implement the backend of the web application. For the full development of the client part will be enough the basic knowledge of Node.js.