Already in the process of learning JavaScript, start mastering the tools of the Javascript web development ecosystem necessary for teamwork:

  • code debugging tools (JavaScript Debugger, Chrome Dev Tools);
  • npm package manager, which allows you to download and install any plugins, libraries, and frameworks with a single command in the terminal;
  • the Git version control system. With its help, several developers can simultaneously work on the project without the risk of getting mixed up in updates;
  • Gulp task manager. This is a JavaScript program that allows you to automate routine web development tasks such as merging files, working with CSS preprocessors, and more. The official Gulp website page in the Plugins section has many plugins and modules for most typical tasks;
  • the Webpack module packer. Collects all the source files (images, fonts, style sheets, JS-files, etc.) in a single dependency graph and packs modules into one compact package for the browser to load. Especially useful in organizing React applications, but considered too cumbersome for small and uncomplicated projects;
  • frameworks for testing JavaScript code (Jasmine, Mocha, PhantomJS);
  • cybersecurity platforms (Snyk, Node Security Project, Retire.js), with which developers find vulnerabilities and critical bugs in their code.

When you have mastered the main tools – you can safely choose a specialization. JavaScript is used not only in frontend development, but also for creating mobile and desktop applications and games, and even for programming household appliances and equipment.